Rooster Comb Care

Rooster Comb Care
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Ron McKibben The comb, believe it or not, has more function than form when it comes to chickens. It’s more than a fancy top hat or proof of superiority. It’s actually a tool chickens use to cool off because they cannot sweat. When blood is pumped into the comb, it cools before it is recirculated through the body. This also means the comb is a great indicator of overall health. If the comb is lighter or darker than usual, or sagging more than upright, it may be a sign that you have a sick chicken, so taking care of your rooster comb is important to help you catch early signs of illness.

Rooster Comb Care
Rooster Comb Care
Males usually have bigger combs than females, and some combs are colored orange, pink and purple.
Rooster Comb Care
Vaseline has proven to prevent frostbite in chickens by providing a moisture-free barrier between the skin and cold air. The comb should feel soft and smooth to the touch.
Rooster Comb Care
Bumps or black marks could be signs that you have mites or other insects biting at your chickens.
Rooster Comb Care
Rooster Comb Care
Rooster Comb Care

Ron McKibben is a photographer based in Florida.

Originally published in the February/March 2016 issue of Backyard Poultry magazine.

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