The rules have changed.
When I was a kid, hatching eggs for kids in schools was as simple as bringing in eggs and an incubator.
The following should prove to all the children out there that Santa visits good chickens, too.
Read MoreShould you provide toys for chickens and other poultry? Professionals agree chicken enrichment is a vital component of chicken welfare.
Read MoreWhether it be for a competition, holiday, or just for pleasure, many people enjoy putting clothes and accessories on their chickens.
Read MoreHere’s what you need to know about raising baby chicks before you bring them home.
Read MoreWhat better way to give your flock a pick-me-up than special, heart-shaped chicken treats you can make at home?
Read MoreSome people just can’t leave the farm behind and end up with a chicken or two as house pets. What steps would you need to take to make chickens as pets a workable solution to get fresh eggs in an area where you can’t raise livestock?
Read MorePoultry is one of the most popular projects in 4-H and I often get asked how to choose the best show chickens. Why is the poultry project so popular?
Read MoreHe was only a few years old when I let him go down to the chicken coop all by himself to collect morning eggs. I should’ve known it was not an age-appropriate chore, but he was excited.
Read MoreRaising chickens and children is similar: both thrive with exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and cherry tomatoes plucked straight off the plant.
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