Herbs for Chickens
Healthy Feed
Reading Time: 3 minutes
By Ann Accetta-Scott
Spring brings warmer weather and often the advent of broody hens wanting to hatch a clutch of eggs. I recommend offering some herbs for chickens specially chosen to help get them laying again after their winter break and also assist a broody hen once she starts sitting. Fresh or dried, herbs for chickens have many benefits. I add dried herbs to my layer feed year-round and also offer my chickens fresh herbs free-choice when in season.
Laying herbs for chickens
Early in the spring, laying stimulants can help kickstart egg production again. Several herbs are purported to encourage laying and support the reproductive system, I like to mix them dried into my flock’s daily layer feed. They include:
- fennel
- garlic
- marigold
- marjoram
- nasturtium
- parsley
- red clover
- red raspberry leaves
Chickens’ sense of smell isn’t that well developed, but I certainly appreciate a scented nest. Aromatic herbs will make your coop smell good and also give your sitting hen something to munch on while she sits. Try adding:
- fresh lemon balm
- pineapple sage
- rose petals
- lemon thyme
- rosemary
Calming herbs for chickens
Although you can’t force a hen to go broody, you can encourage her by providing her a secluded place to hatch eggs. A calm hen is more likely to stick it out for the entire incubation period needed for the eggs to hatch. Some herbs with calming properties added to the nesting box, fresh or dried, can help reinforce to your chickens that they are in a good, safe place to lay their eggs and raise chicks—and also help relax your hens as they lay their eggs or incubate them. Soothing herbs for chickens include:
- basil
- bee balm
- chamomile
- dill
- lavender
Insect repelling herbs for chickens
The warm, dark space under a broody hen is a prime breeding ground for all kinds of bugs. Adding some insect-repelling herbs to the nesting boxes can help. My favorites include:
- fresh catnip
- marigolds
- mint
- rosemary
Lastly, a sitting hen doesn’t get as much exercise as she would otherwise, so keeping her circulation going is extremely beneficial. Providing your broody hen fresh water and a dish of layer feed close by that includes these herbs will keep her blood flowing:
- cayenne pepper
- garlic powder
- ginger
- lavender
- parsley