The rules have changed.
When I was a kid, hatching eggs for kids in schools was as simple as bringing in eggs and an incubator.
Learn how many nesting boxes per chicken are required for happy poultry, and try out these upcycled chicken nesting box ideas.
Read MoreThe Dutch bantam chicken is said to have originated in the Netherlands, but this breeds history is more complicated than that.
Read MoreCan you recognize chicken ailments before it’s too late? Performing regular checkups can identify and ward off problems before they become worse.
Read MoreGuinea fowl that are trained to roost inside a shelter at night will outlive those that roost in trees. Guinea fowl have been reported to have lived to be 17 years or older, but unfortunately, more lose their lives to predators than to old age.
Read MoreAcross the country, chicken lovers are fighting to legalize keeping a few backyard chickens. Here are some tips to help in your community.
Read MoreKeeping Runner ducks combines the benefits of raising poultry with the entertainment of watching penguin-like bowling pins forage around the yard. After dabbling in call ducks, I increased my flock to include Fawn and White Runner ducks.
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