Feathers are actually a very complex part of the bird; the development of the feathers and the feather follicles is extremely involved.
Read MoreEvery chicken breed has a unique set of attributes, but a few breeds have the distinction of being the only one of its kind. Without further ado, let’s look at some chicken breeds with distinctive features that set them apart from all others.
Read MoreDiscover more Continental poultry breeds, including La Faverolles, Combattant du Nord, Gauloise, and Coucou de Flandres chicken breeds.
Read MoreIf you have a small farm with a pond and live in a state that allows you to have them, keeping swans might just be a possibility.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Artwork by Bethany Caskey Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A city slicker moves to the country and decides to raise chickens. He goes to the local …
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