Egg Cups and Cozies: A Delightful Breakfast Tradition

Egg Cups and Cozies: A Delightful Breakfast Tradition

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Make your breakfast table memorable with charming egg cups and cozies. 

Waking up in the morning can be hurried or leisurely, depending on one’s schedule and routine. It could be a quick cup of coffee and granola bar bolting out the door or serving up a platter of pancakes and berries at the kitchen table. 

In England and other countries around the world, there’s a bit of whimsy at breakfast — colorful egg cups topped with knit or crocheted cozies in the shape of lambs, chickens, rabbits, and other animals. Egg cups come in a variety of shapes and materials made from ceramics, porcelain, metal, wood, and glass. 

The purpose of an egg cup is to serve an upright soft-boiled egg that stays warm until ready to eat. Once the fabric cozy is removed, one can slice the top of the egg horizontally with a quick whack of a knife or snip the eggshell with a handy stainless-steel gadget. Some people like to use a narrow and shorter spoon for scooping up the yolk and egg white, while others enjoy slicing a piece of buttered toast into narrow strips for dunking. The English have an affectionate term for these toast slices, calling them “soldiers” because they line up like people in uniform. 


A Part of History 

Egg cups have been part of history for many centuries. One made of silver was unearthed with other dishes in the early 1700s at the archaeological site in Pompeii, Italy, preserved by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE. Others have been discovered perfectly preserved in various villages and cities throughout the world. 

In France, at the Palace of Versailles, King Louis XV enjoyed soft-boiled eggs served in elegant egg cups, inviting guests to join him in a bit of competition at the breakfast table — seeing who could follow his lead in effortlessly decapitating an egg in a single stroke with a knife. Points were subtracted if any broken bits of eggshell appeared. 

As popular as the egg cup is globally, the idea of using one in the United States seems to have fallen by the wayside. One wonders if it’s because Americans prefer their eggs cooked in other ways, such as over easy or sunny side up. 

New Traditions for the Family 

One way the practice finds its way into the country is when individuals move stateside or marry someone from another part of the world. A newlywed from Ohio was perplexed when her British husband unpacked his cobalt-blue Wedgewood egg cups. She had no idea what the odd-shaped dishes were but soon delighted in learning more and having tasty soft-boiled eggs for breakfast. 

Recently, a couple from North Carolina joined some friends on vacation in Germany. One morning at a charming inn, they were greeted by whimsical knit animals in the center of each plate: a fox, a squirrel, a lamb, and a rabbit. They were pleasantly surprised to discover that each one was an egg cozy, helping to keep their food warm. This experience inspired them to bring the tradition home. They bought egg cups and cozies for their family and encouraged their grandchildren to explore new ways to eat eggs. It’s been a big success with each visit when the little ones gather at the table with slices of toast and stories to share. 

Collecting egg cups is a popular pastime called pocillovy, derived from the Latin pocillium ovi (“little cup for an egg”). Those who seek out these treasures at thrift shops and estate sales are known as pocillovists. Many countries have clubs and gatherings, and there’s the popular Egg Cup Collectors Group on Facebook. It’s a great way to meet others, share resources, find and sell a specific design, and even join seasonal contests to show off one’s collection. 

Cooked to Perfection 

Like baking a cake, the process of cooking an egg may be different for each individual. Ask five people, and five answers will follow. The desired end result is a firm egg white and a runny yolk with the consistency of melted cheese or soft butter

This is simply a guideline. Preparing soft-boiled eggs is up to the individual. 

  1. Use room-temperature eggs since they’re less likely to crack. 
  2. Bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil over high heat. (Some cooks prefer to just add an inch of water, bringing it to a boil while covering the eggs with a lid, which gently steams them.) 
  3. Reduce the heat to a medium boil. 
  4. Add the eggs with a slotted spoon, setting the timer for 3 to 5 minutes. Some say 6 minutes. Again, personal preference. 
  5. Meanwhile, fill a bowl with cold water and ice cubes. Remove eggs from the pan and immediately add them to the ice bath for a couple of minutes. This stops the eggs from cooking further. Some people simply hold the eggs under the cold-water tap. 
  6. Place the wider end of an unpeeled egg in an egg cup. Remove the top section of the egg. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a slice of buttered toast cut into strips. Enjoy! 

Customize Your Experience 

A note on gadgets that slice off the top of the egg. Surprisingly, there are many variations to choose from. One can always use a dinner knife or try one’s luck with a stainless-steel egg cracker topper. Just place the inverted open end on the tapered top of the egg, pulling the round ball up the center section. Then release and let the ball drop. It usually takes about three tries. The vibration-activated mechanism will make a round cut in the eggshell, making it easy to remove. 

There’s also a round cylinder with two scissor-like finger loops to press. A ring of teeth inside the mechanism pierces the eggshell, allowing one to simply lift it off in one piece. An online search of gadgets will bring up many useful and fun options. 

Why not bring a bit of whimsy to the kitchen table? Besides being an unusual way to serve breakfast, egg cups and cozies will certainly add to the conversation, getting the day off to a good start! 

Originally published in the December 2022/January 2023 issue of Backyard Poultry and regularly vetted for accuracy.

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