Ginger for Poultry Health
Whether fresh, powdered, or dried, try ginger for poultry health.

Whether fresh, powdered, or dried, try ginger for poultry health. Ingesting ginger can help with digestion and works to soothe the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate harmful bacteria, and support good bacteria.
When most of us think of ginger, we likely think of ginger ale as a digestive aid or to quell nausea. And that seems to be the main way that most use ginger, but this delicious, slightly spicy herb has a lot more benefits for us as well as for our chickens. I first discovered that ginger for poultry health is a good choice after tossing them some peels along with other kitchen scraps after making dinner. After that, I always made it a point to save the peels and discarded ends for them.
How do you add Ginger to your Chickens Diets?
Knowing some of the health benefits of ginger to humans, I logically reasoned that adding some ginger to my chickens’ diets would also be beneficial to them: ingesting ginger, whether fresh, powdered or dried, can help with digestion and works to soothe the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate harmful bacteria and support the good bacteria. It can offer similar benefits to poultry for gut benefits, for example, offered to a hen suffering from diarrhea to help get her through a rough bout.
Ginger as an Anti-inflammatory
A powerful anti-inflammatory, ginger also works to reduce swelling in the throat or sinuses, especially when taken in a liquid form, as when ginger root is steeped in boiling water. Ginger is also an antiviral, and it can help clear congestion. It helps keep the mucus membranes healthy and stimulates the immune system.
Ginger as a Pain Killer
Applied externally, ginger may help with arthritis, or to soothe a chicken in pain due to swelling of an injured leg or a sprained toe. Steep slices of the root in hot water and then press them onto the inflamed area for a few minutes several times a day, or wrap them in gauze and secure them to the leg or toe (being careful to not restrict circulation) with Vetrap.
Gonger Improves Circulation
Ginger is a wonderful aid to circulation, which will not only help your chickens stay warm in the winter, but can also help to prevent frostbite as well as alleviate some of the pain that can accompany it — and help the affected comb or wattles heal.
Ginger for Egg Production
Perhaps the most interesting property of ginger for us chicken keepers involves a 2011 study that was published in Poultry Science: adding powdered ginger to your laying hens’ feed (in a .1 percent ratio) can actually result in increased egg productivity, specifically laying of larger eggs containing more antioxidants. However, like anything, remember that moderation is best. Just like us, they’ll enjoy healthy snacks and treats.