Cottage House Garden Shed Coop

2014 Coolest Coops Award Winner

I was looking for a new hobby to keep my mind off of life and the stresses it can bring. The year before, both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer. Life definitely changed and not really for the best!

In August of 2006, we built a coop and I started with four Cochin chickens. I love the fancy feathers on their feet, and their cute personalities. I immediately became attached to my little Buff Cochin, Scarlett. She became my little buddy. We have gained chickens and lost some, but my Scarlett stayed with me for 8 years.

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Chicken Cottage House
Inside the coop, a mock Farmers’ Market stand adds some charm to the interior.

My parents passed away in 2010, three-and-a-half months apart. Even with all the sadness that it brought, my chickens never let me down. I could go out to my coop and immediately feel just a little bit better. By this time, I had built a bigger coop but I still was not quite satisfied.

This past year, we were in the process of building a garage, and my husband had decided to get rid of our storage shed. I immediately stopped him and said it would be perfect for a new coop. He has such a love-hate relationship with my chickens, but he went along with my plan. I first had the walls cut out, where we added chicken wire for air flow. I made enough nesting boxes for everyone, but they still like to all lay together. We painted it bright red because it was a happy color. I added my touches of decor and moved in all the girls. Once I added landscaping, I included my parents’ bench that I inherited from them. It became the perfect spot to relax and enjoy my happy little chicken cottage.

Chicken Cottage House
The water and feed systems are off the ground, and around it, plenty of places to perch.

Although my chickens are all happy in their coop, we are saddened that my Scarlett has passed on. I was holding her one evening, just like I always do, and I looked down and she looked as if she had fallen asleep, but I knew immediately that our story together had ended. She had died in my arms. It was her time. Chickens have been an unlikely comfort in my life, and I am glad I could share this with you.

My motto has become, “Live, laugh, love … and don’t forget to feed the chickens!”

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