Coop Inspiration 12/1 — The Coop de Ville

Reader Submitted Chicken Coop Ideas

By Scott and Angela Dye, Oregon

Here are a few photos of a very unique chicken coop that my husband and I just completed. We retrofitted a 1960s horse trailer, complete with white wall tires, into a coop that houses seven hens. The Coop de Ville has become a destination on our property for family, friends and neighbors to enjoy and we love to share them with Backyard Poultry readers.

The “girls” are quite spoiled. I make them a green salad most every day, and they are allowed to free range a few days a week as well. Our old coop and run was very exposed to predators and we have our share of great horned owls lurking around, so we decided to basically create Fort Knox to protect them. We have three Welsummers, two Jersey Giants, one Barred Rock and one Buff Orphington — all named of course.

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Coop de Ville

Coop de Ville

Coop de Ville

We live outside of Salem, Oregon, in the Northwest Valley, and the coop is located under a canopy of trees, so as it stays fairly cool even on the hot summer days.

Do you have a fun story behind your chicken coop, or just some really cool design ideas? We’d love to share them with our readers. Email us at with a few pictures and a story about your coop!

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