2015 Coolest Coops Contest Winners

First Place: Brandy Meyer — Our Chick Inn

Last year for my birthday my handyman husband said he would build me a chicken coop, and that I had better start dreaming something up. No problems there! He began the build in our garage by framing a 5′ by 4′ base and then worked his way up from there. Cute picture frames became frames for windows, nesting box openings and pop doors. A repurposed vintage screen door made the perfect gate for our 9′ by 14′ chicken run. You will also find a do-it-yourself chicken swing, real branch roosting bars and a run complete with a tree and log outlined dust bath area. I think it is safe to say our girls are living the high life in their cool, A-frame home, complete with shake-shingle accents. Uptown girls.

Coolest Coops 2015

Coolest Coops 2015

Coolest Coops 2015

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Second Place: Dandi Gentry — Dandi’s Colorful Coop

My new chicken coop made with recycled metal, flea market finds, old windows and a handmade, stained glass window. Made by me. I think all these things make it a “cool” coop! It was built to complement my garden and keep my babies safe!

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Third Place: Nicole Colson — Baker’s Coop-acabana

Our coop was made by my awesome wife from the ground up. She is a welder in a production warehouse, so there are always pallets and spare wood drops lying around. The bottom part of the girls run is made of shipping pallets, as is their nesting box. The doors are her handy-dandy custom work and all their perches as well. She builds, I make it pretty. Here in sunny Florida, we have to make sure all wood is sealed because of our hurricane seasons. Every board has either been hand stained or painted to preserve the life of the Coop-acabana.

Coolest Coops 2015

Coolest Coops 2015

One thought on “2015 Coolest Coops Contest Winners”
  1. Any good tips for grooming the white crests on a polish…or any white chicken for a show.
    Thanks for your good tips and ideas !

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