My experience hatching duck eggs led me to ask: Will chickens foster eggs from another species and raise them? The answer was, absolutely!
Read MoreIf you’ve decided ducklings will find their way to your home from the feed store or the hatchery in the new year, then you are probably wondering what do you feed baby ducks for proper growth?
Read MoreLearning how to care for ducklings isn’t the same as caring for chicks. Read on to discover the differences in these fun water fowl.
Read MoreNeed some quick and easy chick brooder ideas? When you first bring your new baby chicks or ducklings home or hatch out some eggs, you will need a place that the babies can call home.
Read MoreConsider adding rare duck breeds, including Magpie, Saxony, Silver Appleyard, and Buff or Orpington Ducks, to your flock or devoting your farm to help increase biodiversity.
Read MoreIf there’s one thing most waterfowl experts agree on when discussing raising ducklings and how to introduce ducklings to older ducks, it might be this: AIEEEEEEEEEEE!
Read MoreChick and duckling imprinting has important psychological effects on the individual bird and the flock, so it is important to get it right from the start.
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