Chicken soup not only is warming and good for the soul, but also offers relief for the sniffles that ride in on winter weather.
Read MoreIt is time to begin preparations for breeding and collecting eggs for hatching. Anyone can have great success in learning how to hatch chicken eggs; all that is necessary is to provide good conditions that work in accord with the nature of the birds, and the cycle of reproduction. So where do we begin?
Read MoreBack in 1912, Harry M. Lamon, senior poultryman of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry, initiated the development of the Lamona chicken at the USDA experimental station. He wanted to produce a dual-purpose breed for the American market.
Read MoreMeet the Barnevelder chicken. They are a medium size, dual-purpose chicken breed (providing both eggs and meat) from Barnevelder, Holland.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Several years ago, when we were fairly new to owning backyard chickens, we had a small flock of six, but we were ready to expand. While at …
Read MoreBlack Australorps are beautiful additions to a backyard flock. These are prolific egg layers! Their black feathers become iridescent in the sun reflecting stunning blues and greens.
Read MoreThousands of pigeons in World War II risked their lives delivering messages, and some won medals for their heroics.
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