Whether you are a backyard chicken keeper looking to expand your flock into a business or a total newbie to chickens hoping to create a livestock business, there are a lot of factors to consider when selling eggs in the retail market.
Read MoreCan you recognize chicken ailments before it’s too late? Performing regular checkups can identify and ward off problems before they become worse.
Read MoreSome people just can’t leave the farm behind and end up with a chicken or two as house pets. What steps would you need to take to make chickens as pets a workable solution to get fresh eggs in an area where you can’t raise livestock?
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Story & Photos By Robert Korcz Breaking a broody chicken can be a daunting task and I am told sometimes an impossible one. I do not profess …
Read MoreIn the discussion of raising chickens, there have been two traditional schools of thought. The first is total free range. Usually, an evening feeding of grain or other treat is used to lure the flock back to the chicken coop for roosting.
Read MoreAll chickens will come into contact with worms. Learn when deworming chickens is necessary and how keeping them healthy can prevent problems.
Read MoreAsk our poultry experts about your flock’s health, feed, production, housing and more! Please note that although our team has dozens of years of experience, we are not licensed veterinarians. For serious life and death matters, we advise you to consult with your local veterinarian.
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