Do Cats Kill Chickens? What About Dogs?

Know the Laws Around Dogs Killing Chickens and How to Keep Your Flock Safe

Do Cats Kill Chickens? What About Dogs?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do dogs kill chickens? Do cats kill chickens? These two questions come up a lot among chicken keepers. The simple answer to both questions is yes, but the reality is a little more complicated than a one-word answer.

Do cats kill chickens?

The easiest place to start is with cats. Cats do not usually kill adult chickens. On the list of what killed my chicken, cats are not usually at the top. Cats are smart animals. They learn quickly that adult chickens are too big and have too many advantages (think beaks, toenails, and spurs), so it’s best to leave them alone.

The real issue with cats happens when you are raising baby chickens. These are bite-sized morsels that are irresistible. You may think Fluffy is the most adorable and easy-going of all cats. He may hang out all day sunning in the window. But Fluffy is still an animal that has hunting instincts. Put a bunch of baby chicks in front of Fluffy and he’s going to want to play or hunt. Acting on either instinct does not end well for the baby chicken.

Cats are generally quite happy to avoid the sharp, pointy parts of poultry.

Until your chickens mature to a good size, it’s best to keep them in a secured area that cats cannot access. This keeps your chicks safe and doesn’t put your cats in a position to do something wrong. In the brooder, use a lid. When your chicks are outside, make sure they’re in an enclosure. Don’t let your chickens roam without supervision until their size is no longer an issue or temptation. At that point, your cats will have no interest.

Will dogs kill chickens?

Dogs are the bigger issue when it comes to chickens. (This discussion excludes livestock guardian dogs that are trained to protect your animals.) Do dogs kill chickens? Yes. Feral dogs. Your pet dog. Your neighbor’s pet dog. In fact, some say dogs are the biggest threat to backyard chickens above all others.  I’d say this is a fair statement because the threat can come from so many places. Some experience losses caused by their own dogs, their neighbors’ dogs and others by free-roaming, feral dogs. I’ve been lucky enough not to have problems with my family dog. But early on, my flock was attacked by roaming dogs. The attack came from nowhere and we lost 10 hens in one fell swoop. We saw the dogs as they were running away. We did not dispatch the dogs, but a neighbor whose dogs were being attacked by them did.

Cats and dogs are happy to share water and treats with your poultry.

This is the rub with dogs. With a wild predator, they may take one or two birds at a time. If you’re trying to figure out how to protect chickens from hawks, at least there’s some sense to it. Hawks have to eat too. With dogs, they’re not killing for food, they are killing for fun. When the bird stops moving, they lose interest and go on to the next. They can cause maximum damage in a short period of time. What is your recourse if your chickens are attacked?

Advice for dealing with neighbor dogs.

The best advice for this problem is to know your neighbors and your local laws before a problem ever happens.

With your neighbors, it’s good to let them know you have a backyard flock. Be proactive. Remind them that dogs can be a problem if they get out. That way everyone is on the same page.

Protect your flock as best as possible with fencing and other measures. But understand, things happen. Dogs that are out roaming are resourceful.

If you find a dog or a pack of dogs preparing for an attack or in the middle of an attack, this is when you need to know your laws and have a plan of action in place, because you’re going to be upset. Hopefully, your preparation will allow you to be clear-headed.

Do your local laws allow you to shoot the dog(s)? Laws vary by location. Some say you can shoot if the dog is preparing to attack, others say the dog has to actually be harming your animal, others say you can’t shoot.

If you can’t shoot, how else can you scare off the attackers without getting hurt yourself? Also, what about chasing the attacker after it’s done and shooting it then? Usually, that’s not allowed, but know your laws, because that gets into even more legalities.

If your flock is attacked by your neighbor’s dog(s), it’s best to try to work it out so you can keep up good relations if possible. If you weren’t legally able to shoot feral dogs, it’s good to let law enforcement know about the attack. They can be on the alert.

In your earlier preparations, it’s good to have put together an emergency first aid kit for livestock. It will come in handy anyway, but even more so after the attack. Make sure to tend to any injuries and seek veterinary care if needed. When my flock was attacked, I gathered up the survivors and kept everyone confined in the chicken run and coop for a few days. I wanted them to feel safe again, and during that time, I gave everyone extra treats and special attention. Chickens are hardy animals and mine bounced back quickly.

Have you had an issue with dogs killing your chickens? We’d love to hear your story in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “Do Cats Kill Chickens? What About Dogs?”
  1. A neighbor trapped and shot my cat to death after he held her in the trap for 3 very cold days and nights. He said he will use livestock threat as his defense. He never said a thing about my cat chasing his goats and adult chickens. He just hates cats! He killed 30 to 40 cats the same way, except he left several in the traps to starve to death, and this was before he ever had any livestock! I was calling for my cat on the 3rd day she was missing when I heard the gunshots! He admitted to the officer that he did in fact shoot her. The officer who is related to the killer told me there is nothing I can do about it and he will get away with it. I need help. What can I do? She was my baby! My family!

    1. Where is he catching all these cats he’s killing? Did he come and take your cat from your place? Maybe you could get him somehow for unlawfully being at your place, abducting your cat. Must be a law against that. What a freak

  2. My 2 cats are terrified of the chickens, ducks and guineas. My 3 dogs are a different story. I trust my momma dog (10 1/2) around the chickens but not the ducks, she’s chased them before. Her 2 boys I trust ZERO-1% but they are quick to tell me if one gets out or if something is nearby. I caught the oldest of the two carrying a drake away, he was only 4 months old and I’ve not allowed him around them since. He’s partially blind now at 5 years old but he and his brother know they’re to ward off predators and alert us. So far the only predators they haven’t been able to stop, are the owls, sadly they got 3 of my ducks in 2 years and it was my fault for forgetting to close off a certain area.

  3. I have lost not only chickens (both grown and chicks) to neighborhood dogs, but two mini goats as well.
    I have grown to despise dogs, and while I don’t own guns and never would, I call animal control (which is hard to do in the country) and if they want to shoot them, they can.
    Unfortunately, the neighbors who own the dogs hide when the officers come around, so there’s not a lot they can do.
    My cats, on the other hand, love both the chickens and ducks, and since both species are free-range, I’ve often found a cat or two sleeping in the coop during the day or coming out in the morning when I let the chickens out. (And loudly letting me know I should have checked for him.)

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