Emma Weeks, Chicken Girl

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to my house of course!
My name is Emma, and I am an 11-year-old “Chicken Girl.” Now, I realize I’m barely out of the hatchling stage, but boy, I can tell you a lot about chickens. They’re kinda my thing!
I joined our local 4-H livestock club when I was eight, and I started with the 4-H poultry project known as the “Chick Chain.” After just a few meetings and picking up my new chicks that were ordered, I knew that this was something that I would stick with. I quickly fell in love with raising my newly acquired chicks and everything that went with them! They quickly grew from their chick brooder, and now you can say they’ve claimed half of our property.
Since then, I have had the opportunity to become a young entrepreneur. I started with selling my birds’ fresh eggs to family and friends but quickly became interested in more rare and critically endangered breeds.
I currently have about eight flocks consisting of Golden Cuckoo Marans, Red-Shouldered Yokohamas, Ayam Cemanis, Blue Jersey Giants, Standard Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, and I’m currently working on my own, homegrown line of White Marans. My mom shares our birds on social media, and my dad created a pretty neat website. Through these avenues, we share my flocks with others to offer their fertilized eggs. I ship my birds’ hatching eggs all over the United States for other poultry enthusiasts to hatch in their incubators. I’m pretty thrilled that my birds from right here at my house now have “chick children” in almost every single state! My business name is “Emma Soo’s Cuckoos,” and I can’t wait to see how it keeps growing.

4-H has changed my life forever. It has taught me poultry, rabbit, and swine nutrition and gave me much responsibility and knowledge on many breeds and their egg production. I have also gained problem-solving skills, record-keeping skills, some veterinarian medicine knowledge, and obviously a whole lot of brains about running my business.
I also enjoy getting a little competitive in poultry and livestock judging events as well as pageantry in my spare time. I absolutely love showing my birds and creating educational poultry exhibits with my family for local and state fairs. My favorite would have to be the annual National Peanut Festival in Alabama!
As of February 2020, I was able to compete for and earn the title of Jr. Miss Northwest Florida. I take this title and job very seriously. This title has given me the perfect opportunity to share my poultry passion with other children my age. I have been able to share this passion and knowledge thru many pageant interviews and presentations and have earned the name of “Chicken Girl” by my fellow pageant sisters.

After realizing all of the great skills, and knowledge that 4-H and pageantry have given me, I decided that I should spread the news of 4-H. I have recently created a platform named “The Eden Project” just for this. My main focus for my platform is to get out in schools and provide other children information about 4-H in our community and state. I aspire to inspire so that they, too, can take advantage of what is out there just waiting for them to discover. Who knows, maybe it will bring them just as much joy and forever change their lives just as it has mine!
Originally published in the June/July 2021 issue of Backyard Poultry and regularly vetted for accuracy.