About the Author

Anita B. Stone

ANITA B. STONE is an eco-friendly journalist who nourishes her traditional habit of nature and horticulture. Her love of the land and passion for teaching at the local community college and at senior retirement centers fills her time. She is always searching for new methods of improving the environment, growing food to benefit people, domestic animals, and wildlife. She is an author and Master Gardener in North Carolina, teaching others how to farm sensibly, making life easier and fulfilling, and admits she will always stay young-at-heart, just like her grandchildren. 
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Articles by Anita B. Stone

Chicken on a Leash?

Most of us have occasionally seen an unusual animal being taken for a walk, complete with leash and harness. But a chicken on a leash? Chickens in strollers? Why would you take a chicken for a walk?

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Pecking Away at Climate Change
January 12, 2022 · · Feed & Health

The three climate issues that affect chickens’ welfare are temperature, humidity, and insect availability for foraging, especially for free-range chickens. Climate change has become a priority on the homestead.

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