Providing good guinea fowl care can be a pleasure … or cause problems with the neighbors. Learn about the realities of guinea fowl.
Read MoreDon’t let the guinea eggs go to waste. Use guinea fowl eggs & recipes to make a pound cake. Here are my pound cake recipes with tips.
Read MoreIs gardening with guinea fowl possible? Absolutely! Guineas take care of ticks, grasshoppers, Japanese beetles and other obnoxious bugs in your garden without wrecking your plants.
Read MoreGuinea fowl that are trained to roost inside a shelter at night will outlive those that roost in trees. Guinea fowl have been reported to have lived to be 17 years or older, but unfortunately, more lose their lives to predators than to old age.
Read MoreThe therapeutic value of taking dogs to visit hospitals, special needs centers, schools, and nursing homes is well known. Even docile cats are now sometimes used as therapy animals, providing companionship, confidence, and a feeling of well-being to people in need.
Read MoreBeing raised on a farm, owning chickens is a natural thing for me, but when someone asked me about my personal reasons for owning chickens, I had to stop and think. Is it because we always have, or are there more personal beliefs and reasons? The answer is both.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites Quality nutrition is the bedrock of your bird’s health, longevity, and performance. Just like you and me, if a chicken is fed junk it will live a …
Read MoreGuineas are always an adventure. So if you’re up for some farm fun and have your patience cap on, go ahead and give keeping domestic guinea fowl a try!
Read MoreGuinea fowl are great alarms, but they panic easily, making them easy prey. Keep guineas in a coop unless you can protect them while they free-range.
Read MoreHere are eight great reasons in favor of keeping guinea fowl, and eight reasons to think twice before keeping guinea fowl.
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