Holderread’s Lost Bantam Ducks

How Bantam Aztec Ducks Nearly Vanished Forever

Holderread’s Lost Bantam Ducks

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Story and photos by Craig Bordeleau 

Aztec ducks — you may have heard of them, but most have not. I certainly had no idea they existed when the opportunity to raise them fell in my lap by happenstance. I’ve since learned every bit of information available, but there wasn’t much to glean out there. There was enough to put together a general history to share with you all. 

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These personable little guys have an interesting story. Dave Holderread created this breed in the 1980s in order to make available a Bantam breed of duck smaller than a Mallard and much easier to raise and hatch than Call ducks. He was successful in his attempt, creating his exotic-looking Aztec ducks. The plumage reminded the Holderreads of beautiful Aztec-styled rugs they had seen during their travels. 

At the time, there were only three Bantam breeds readily available to the public: Calls, Mallards, and Black East Indies. None of which occurred in the porcelain or blue pearl (now known as blue fawn/blue Mallard) colors that the Aztecs did. In fact, Dave commented that, at that point in time, he had never seen either color. 

After some years and huge increases in the scope of the Holderreads’ lifelong preservation efforts, it was decided that the Aztecs would no longer be a part of their breeding programs. More time went by and it seemed the breed lost any definition as such, becoming part of the ever-popular “barnyard mixed ducks” group. But as fate would have it, this was not the case for a small flock in Vermont. 

Back in 1986-87, a lady purchased a handful of them from Dave. She maintained her flock until her passing, at which point another woman inherited the birds. She also maintained the breed until her passing and again the flock changed hands. The woman who next obtained them discovered what she had through old documentation kept by the original owner, as well as through contact with Dave, who confirmed that they were, in fact, his creation. 

Since their rediscovery, a handful of us has had the pleasure of helping the breed regain footing in the Bantam waterfowl world. Aztec ducks truly are what Dave had envisioned — a diminutive, hardy, and highly decorative duck that isn’t as delicate and difficult to raise as Call ducks. A friendly breed easily raised by the non-specialist. 

Efforts have been underway to increase the genetic variability within the breed while simultaneously correcting a few small imperfections in type. But as Dave both retained and made available his original breed standards, this has been a fairly simple task.  

The birds originally purchased were all of porcelain color. As of yet, the blue pearl color has not been perfected. The 2020 hatching season should see this accomplished. 

To inquire about Bantam Aztec ducks, contact Craig Bordeleau of Duck Buddies and Side Chicks, LLC.

Originally published in the April/May 2020 issue of Backyard Poultry magazine and regularly vetted for accuracy.

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