
When Hens Stop Laying

Summer is warm, the days are long, and you get used to having lots of eggs. Then your hens stop laying. Michele Cook looks at the many different reasons your hens may (temporarily) have stopped laying eggs.

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How a Chicken Lays an Egg Inside of an Egg
March 7, 2022 · · Eggs & Meat

Occasionally, a hen will lay an egg inside of an egg, a phenomenon called counter-peristalsis contraction, and it occurs while the hen is forming an egg in her oviduct.

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8 Interesting Features of the Silkie Chicken Breed
January 6, 2020 · · Chickens 101

Silkies are distinctly different from any other chicken breed. They share a unique combination of genetic and behavioral features. In 2003, a group of Japanese researchers mapped the mitochondrial DNA of a Silkie to determine the breed’s genetic position in relation to other birds in the genus Gallus.

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