Wondering How to Wash Fresh Eggs? It’s Safer Not To!
How to Wash Chicken Eggs Safely When It's Absolutely Necessary

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Americans tend to be germaphobes, which probably explains why we need to know how to wash fresh eggs. Maybe it comes from a deeply rooted cultural mindset that “cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Perhaps our national intolerance of dirtiness is simply subliminal conditioning. We are bombarded with endless advertising telling us that we are on the frontline of the war against bacteria that can only be battled armed with a vast variety of anti-bacterial products that just happen to be for sale. Our collective aversion for any and all things perceived to be “dirty,” has actually put us significantly more at risk to bacteria in at least one area — eggs.
The biggest health risk associated with eggs is being exposed to Salmonella bacteria. Most types of Salmonella grow in the intestinal tracts of animals and are passed through their feces. Most humans become infected with Salmonella after eating foods that are directly or indirectly contaminated with animal feces. With chicken eggs, the eggshell is exposed to Salmonella usually after the egg has been laid as a result of poor animal management practices (i.e. the bird is living in a feces infested condition) and not necessarily from backyard chickens.
If eggs can get dirty after being laid, it logically makes sense to wash them, right? Washing fresh eggs will help eliminate the risk of contamination, right? Wrong.
Eggshells are almost entirely composed of tiny calcium carbonate crystals. Though an eggshell appears solid to the naked eye, it has as many as 8,000 microscopic pores between the crystals forming the shell. These tiny pores allow for the transfer of moisture, gases, and bacteria (e.g. Salmonella) between the inner and outer eggshell.
Nature has provided an efficient and effective defense against contamination through the pores in an eggshell. Just prior to laying an egg, a hen’s body deposits a protein-like mucous coating on the outside of an egg. This protective coating is called the “bloom” or “cuticle.” This protective coating seals the pores of the eggshell, thereby prohibiting the transfer of bacteria from the exterior to the interior of the egg.

Here’s the rub. An egg’s bloom remains intact so long as the egg is not washed. No matter if you think you know how to wash fresh eggs, just the act of rinsing or washing an egg removes this protective layer and re-opens the eggshell’s pores.
Interestingly, the United States is one of the only countries in the world that requires the washing of commercially produced eggs, and has spent vast resources in developing methods for how to wash fresh eggs. The vast majority of our European counterparts legally restrict commercially produced eggs from being washed. In Ireland, for example, only unwashed eggs can achieve Grade A or AA. Washed eggs, under Ireland’s Food Safety regulations, receive a B grading and cannot be sold at retail.
Also noteworthy is the fact that an egg with its bloom left on does not need to be refrigerated. This is the reason that most Europeans do not keep their eggs in the fridge but rather on the counter.
If keeping the natural bloom on the eggshell is ideal, then it is important to try to produce as of clean eggs as possible. For anyone who is raising chickens for eggs, here are a few ways to minimize eggshell contamination in a backyard flock:
- Learn how to clean a chicken coop. The less poop lying around, the less likely poop can accidentally be spread on the eggshells.
- Place roosts higher than open-topped nesting boxes. Chickens like to roost in the highest part of the coop. Building the chicken roosting bars higher than the nesting area will discourage the birds from roosting on the side of the nesting box and soiling the inside.
- Put roofs on nesting boxes. Constructing roofs on nesting boxes helps prevent chickens from roosting and pooping inside of them.
- Collect eggs early and often. The less time an egg is left inside a coop the less chance it has of being made dirty later.
Following these guidelines can minimize the necessity for learning how to wash fresh eggs, but if an eggshell becomes dirty with a little mud or poop, it is still possible in some cases to keep the bloom intact. Depending on how badly soiled the eggshell is, it may be feasible to use sandpaper to gently brush off the contaminants from the egg’s shell.
Even if you feel the need to know how to wash fresh eggs, not washing your eggshells is the simplest and most natural approach to protecting the integrity of your eggs preventing the spread of Salmonella. However, perhaps not washing an egg that has dropped out of the rear end of your beloved bird simply grosses you out. You understand the “no wash” argument, but still you feel an overwhelming need to clean your eggs regardless of logic.
If you are in the “wash-your-eggs” camp, then it is important to discern the best method to do so. There are innumerable opinions and advice on the subject on the internet. The overwhelming majority of the suggested egg-washing methods out there are … absolutely incorrect.
One should never use bleach, soap or other chemical cleaners to wash eggs. When the bloom is removed from the eggshell, these unnatural substances can then pass through the shell’s pores and contaminate the interior of the egg which is consumed. Moreover, some chemicals found in detergents and sanitizers may actually increase the porosity of the shell making it even more susceptible to bacteria.

Washing eggs in cold water is also ill-advised. Washing with cool or cold water creates a vacuum effect pulling unwanted bacteria inside the egg even faster. Similarly, soaking dirty eggs in water is unsafe. An egg’s bloom is quickly removed by contact with water, leaving the shell’s pores wide open to absorb the contaminants in the water in which the egg is soaking. The longer an egg is left soaking in water, the more opportunity for Salmonella and other microbial contaminants to penetrate the shell.
The best method for how to wash fresh eggs is by using warm water that is at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit.Washing with warm water causes the egg’s contents to expand and push dirt and contaminants away from the shell’s pores. Never soak eggs, even in warm water. It is unnecessary and encourages the transfer of contaminants to the inside of the eggs. Moreover, washed eggs must be immediately and thoroughly dried before being stored. Putting eggs away wet also encourages the growth and transfer of bacteria on the eggshells to the egg’s interior.
It is best not to wash the bloom from your eggs – but if you are going to do so despite all of the reasons not to, then be sure to know how to wash fresh eggs properly so that you minimize the risks. You can listen and learn more about the topic of egg-washing in episode 013 of the Urban Chicken Podcast HERE.
Originally published in 2012 and regularly vetted for accuracy.
What causes dried blood on eggshell? Its just on 1 egg
It’s likely that your hen ruptured a vein when it dropped the egg. Was it a double yolk? Did the hen just start laying? Very normal in either scenerio.
Can you just wash the egg just before you crack it open?
Hi Heather,
Yes, that is what I do. I give them a quick rinse in cold water, but only if they have debris on them. ~Steph
Ohhh just stop!!!! I put eggs in water for atleast 24 hrs before they go into my incubators to be able remove any egg that has a crack in it and the eggs go into the incubator clean and all at the same temperature!!!
I’ve heard that if you coat eggs with mineral oil they will last much longer outside the fridge. Do you know if that is true? I would assume the folks stating this were coating fresh laid eggs that hadn’t been washed, but I’m not certain.
I remember my grandmother taking the fresh eggs I’d brought in from the coop and simply putting them in a wire mesh basket that sat on the countertop. We went through them fast enough they probably never got more than three weeks old.
Finally, aside from letting fresh eggs age for a couple of weeks, do you have any tips on how to boil them so the shell separates easily from the egg?
Add a little bit of baking soda to warm water in the pot… then add eggs.. let it get to boiling… boil 10 minutes.. ice water bath
Submerge eggs. Cool a bit.. smack egg on side of sink to crack the shell.. I like to turn it and crack all around. Then peel. Voila.
Throw your egg shell in a compost or crunch them up to add to the garden.
We bought eggs from a farmer who washes them and then refrigerated them .
We wanted them unwashed but they are now covered in a lot of dirt and poop.
Is it safe to leave the poop on them for any length of time before we eat them ?
Would the poop acid/ alkali penetrate the shell bloom / mucous coating ?
Hi Ivor, great question! If the eggs are unwashed, you can take a dry, rough cloth or a piece of sandpaper and remove most of that dirt and poop. The bacteria on the poop will most likely not penetrate the shell if there is no moisture to facilitate that. (This is one reason eggs aren’t refrigerated in Europe; when they come to room temperature, they can gather condensation, which can then seep into the shell.) Remember that an unwashed chicken egg is supposed to protect a developing chick for 21 days at 100 degrees F and high humidity, so if you gently remove the poop and keep the eggs dry, you have at least that long before they go bad. Just to be sure, when you crack them, take a sniff. If there’s an odor, toss them out and switch up your storage protocols.
Can you buy your eggs from someone with a cleaner coop?
If I use a damp (almost dry) cloth to wipe my eggs (for my mother’s sake) will that affect the bloom?
How should I boil unwashed eggs? Does boiling unwashed eggs put the bacteria inside the egg once it enters the water?
When it comes to boiling fresh eggs, how do you do so safely?
From the info here, I’m left to believe that boiling them without washing will lead to them absorbing anything that was on the outside of the shell. So should you wash them before putting them in the boiling water?
My chickens are presently walking over the eggs and getting manure on them. Yuck!
I do not was clean eggs. But most are disgusting.
Will the bacteria from the manure pass through the egg shell?
Building a nesting box is in the works, but meantime I have to deal with dirty eggs.
Hi Audrey, great question! There is no yes or no answer to that because it depends on the conditions. If the egg is stored at 60 to 80 degrees F and is dry the entire time, there is less chance of bacteria passing through the shell. But if the egg gets wet or your kitchen gets hot, there is much more chance. Many people won’t wash their clean eggs but will wash the dirty ones, for that reason, then store them in the refrigerator afterward. When you wash, make sure the water is warmer than the egg, or the temperature change can cause bacteria to move inward.
Greetings, if I gently wipe a dirty egg with a damp-ish cloth, will the bloom remain intact?
The only reason i wasn’t to clean my eggs is that when I crack eggs, inevitably some part of the shell gets into the yolks. It seems this would be the point at which the bloom wouldn’t protect you, and one could get sick, correct? I’ve been using the scratchy surface of a dry sponge to clean any debris or bits of poop before cracking. Curious if you recommend against this too. Thanks!